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Sports Afield Magazine 1970 September


Sports Afield Magazine 1970 September


Contents:  Bonus Deer Section – Shots At Whitetails (Must reading for deer hunters – the best from an outdoor classic), A Special Breed Of Deer Hunter (Hunt the Vermont mountain ridges with a pro), Timberline Mulies (In the Rockies, a big Buck is waiting) Hunting – Waterfowl Boon In 1970 (Sports Afield‘s exclusive annual Duck forecast), Great Duck Day (Currituck Sound means waterfowl action), Doves Unlimited (Test your shooting against Arizona’s limitless Doves), Battering Rams (A rare photographic glimpse of Bighorns during the rut), The Shell (In the South a young boy becomes a man) Fishing- The Best Rainbow Trout Fishing (Young Hemingway writes about Trout fishing), Bait Casting Is Alive And Well In The 1970’s (And it’s one of the best ways to bring in Lunkers), You’re All Right, Jack (Golfer Jack Nicklaus loves to fish), The Gentlemanly Brawler (A profile of the Brown Trout), Fishing Where Two’s A Crowd (Eight ideal pack-in fishing trips) Special Features – Witness To Outrage: Oil Is Killing Our Inland Waterways (Introducing the first of a monthly series), Deadliest Creature On Earth (All about the poisonous Cobra), Pack-Trip For Big Game (Here’s what to take on your wilderness trip), Youth And Environment (Today’s youth is the nation’s hope) Editors’ Report – Adventures In Editing, Magnesium For Mini-Groups, Easy-Build Duckboat, The Hero Fish, New Members For Hall Of Fame, Your Veterinarian Knows Best Questions And Answers – Shooting, Angling, Salt Water, Camping, Letters, Sportsman’s Quiz, Sports Afield Where-To-Go Guide, Sportsman’s Information Page

Issue:  September 1970

Condition:  Very Good