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Sports Afield Magazine 1969 September


Sports Afield Magazine 1969 September


Contents:  Bonus Feature Section – Deer – The Challenge And The Prize (Deer hunting around the nation – in full color) Hunting – Waterfowl Prospects For 1969 (Sports Afield‘s exclusive annual Duck forecast), New Deal For Pheasant Hunters (Experiments that promise better wing shooting tomorrow), Best Woodcock Shooting In The East (Thousands of birds concentrate in this gunning hot spot), Dogs That Make Me Love Quail Hunting (Action afield with the top breeds of Bird Dogs), Grouse Are Where They Feed (Ol’ Ruff’s favorite foods and where they are found), Duckblind That’s Really Portable (It’s easy to build with these step-by-step photographs) Fishing – The Delicacy Panfish Can’t Resist (A deadly but overlooked bait that never fails), The Battling Bantams (These salt-water fighters provide fast action on light tackle), Buzzing For Bass (A foolproof system for busting the Lunkers), How To Take Lake-Run Rainbows (The methods the experts use for fabulous Fall fishing) Special Features – Is It Too Late To Save The Bald Eagle? (Our national symbol faces extinction), Life And Death Of An Estuary (A seashore degraded by apathy and selfishness), Saga Of The Prophet’s Grizzly (Far North adventure with an unusual Bear) Editors’ Reports – Clearing Up Nomenclature, Report From Washington, The Amazing Featherweight, Trap And Skeet, Boat Insurance: The Facts That Count, Trolling Tactics That Take Fish, His Majesty The Coonhound Questions And Answers – Shooting, Camping, Salt Water, Boating, Angling, Sporting Dogs, Letters, Sportsman’s Information Page, Sports Afield Where-To-Go Guide, Sportsman’s Quiz

Issue:  September 1969

Condition:  Very Good