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Sport Magazine 1988 January


Sport Magazine 1988 January


Contents:  First And Eighty (The anatomy of a great touchdown drive: Five and a half minutes in a game between the Cincinnati Bengals and the San Francisco 49ers reveals what makes a high-scoring offense go), Bill Russell, Reconsidered (In his new note as head coach of the Sacramento Kings, Bill Russell is dusting off an old-fashioned basketball philosophy that flies in the face of the increasingly more technical NBA), College Basketball Preview (The Hungarian Hoopsmeister is back with the Top 20, Second 20, All-Americans, the overrated and the underrated and a No. 1 pick that will surely earn him a place in the pantheon of brass-bellied prognosticators), Postcards From A Pigskin Prophet (Our college football preview man, CBS Sports’ College Football Mr. Inside, reports on what he’s learned in school this season and what that bodes for the bowl games about to begin), Olympics: Badger Bob’s American Dream (A hockey stick in every garage and the Olympic team on every mind. That’s former NHL coach Bob Johnson’s campaign promise as he takes over American amateur hockey), Sizing Up Team USA (An insider’s report on the players who will be representing the United States in Calgary), NHL In The Olympics (A controversy rages in Canada over whether the NHL will release it’s players to win one for the home team), Seven Days That Shook Baseball (In a different seven-game World Series, a perennial loser became world champion, led by a 37-year-old manager, 55,000 screaming fans and a would-be MVP named Humphrey Dome) Departments – Our Turn (Free the free agents), Fanfare, Between The Lines (White House Olympic slipup…Unionizing NFL refs…More crown’s is boxing’s future), Sport Talk (NCAA battles over football playoffs…Willie Gault goes for the gold in bobsledding…Synthetic knee takes a bow), Beers With…Brian Bosworth (Keeping up with the NFL’s most celebrated rookie as he goes about the bruising business of being the Boz), The Ultimate Fan (Our Christmas gift guide for the fan who has everything), Sport Quiz, Finish Line (Hockey night in Texas)


Condition:  Very Good