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Sport Magazine 1977 May


Sport Magazine 1977 May


Contents:  Jan Stephenson is an exceptional young golfer who speaks her mind. Of course, you may question some of her words; Frank Tanana is the best lefthanded pitcher in the American League, and, if you don’t believe it, just ask; The Spotlight Blinds The Brothers Frazier (Walt cannot see that he is no longer the player he once was, and his kid brother Keith cannot see that he does not have to match Walt to succeed); The Reds’ Winter Of Discontent (The most tightly knit team in baseball spent the off-season griping at management and at one another. Will that bickering hamper their play this season?) Special Section: Sex In Sports – A key to winning – “Most Coaches Don’t Realize That Sex Does Not Deter From Performance (USF coach Bob Gaillard’s unhypocritical philosophy got him in trouble – but it also helped carry the Dons through a 29-1 season); Women Made My Career (Marv Fleming, the only man to play in five Super Bowls, reveals the secret of his success); I Gravitate Toward Jocks (Says the author, herself an athlete, who has “shared energies” with stars from coast to coast); Where The Manager Tells You To Strike Out (Fading American baseball players receive enormous salaries in Japan, but it is a very different ballgame); The Mutilation Of A Work Of Art (Sixers coach Gene Shue is only one of the reasons why the world’s most exciting basketball player, Doctor J, has become Orderly Erving) Departments – This Month In SPORTSPORT Talk; Letters; Didn’t You Used To Be: The Brothers McGuire; SPORT Quiz


Condition:  Very Good