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Sport Magazine 1971 June


Sport Magazine 1971 June


Contents:  Indy 500 Preview (Steve McQueen); Where Do All The Horses Come From?; Billy Martin: A Foreign Body In The Tiger’s System; Pick The Top Performers Of The Past 25 Years; Maury Wills Sounds Off! “I’ll Play As Long As Walter Alston Manages”; “A Bit Of A Boy, Isn’t He?”; George Allen And The Great Redskin Talent Hunt; Murphy’s Law; Cowboy John McKenzie: Ropin’ A Ton Of Respect; SPORT Fashions With Johnny Bench; Freed At Last; Oakland’s Sound Sleeper; SPORT Gift Selection The SPORT Special – The Triggerman And The Sea Features – Photographer’s Choice: Darryl Norenberg; SPORT Talk; College Athlete Of The Month: Ed Johnson; Viewpoint West; Viewpoint Midwest; Viewpoint South; Viewpoint East; Viewpoint Southwest; Slater Martin…Where Have You Gone?; Inside Facts; Let’s Lower The Pitcher’s Mound In Pro Football Departments – This Month In SPORTSPORT Bookshelf; The SPORT Quiz; Letters To SPORT; The SPORT Service Award

Issue:  June 1971

Condition:  Very Good