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South Wind Car Heater Ad 1948


South Wind Car Heater Ad from December 13, 1948 Life magazine.


Three color 5 1/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the South Wind 90 Second Car Heater. The ad headline says that you would get “Hot Heat for Cold Cars in 90 Seconds Flat!” and, under that, is a drawing of a smiling lady who is saying that “My South Wind gives me Hot Heat before I’m hardly out of the garage!”. The next headline says that this is “The ONLY Type Car Heater that gives you Hot Heat almost instantly! No wait for Engine Warm-Up!”. It then says that “It’s fast…it’s efficient…it’s the finest! That’s what more than a million car owners say about the South Wind Heater. And small wonder, for South Wind works on a new, scientifically proved gasoline-burning principle that makes it possible for you to get hot heat in just 90 seconds flat. No other kind of car heater can give you hot heat so speedily!South Wind creates its own heat…there’s no wait for engine warm-up. Easy to install. Fits almost any make or model. Sold with or without defroster. Always ready for use…even on chilly summer evenings. Get your South Wind today! Consult your classified telephone directory for South Wind dealer nearest you”. It gives a price of “Only $29.95 plus installation” for this unit.

Source:  December 13, 1948 Life magazine.