Smithsonian Magazine 1992 November


Smithsonian Magazine 1992 November

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Contents:  Smithsonian horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Picture credits, Phenomena, comment and notes, November events at the Smithsonian, In Butte, Montana, A is for arsenic, Z is for zinc (Its old copper mines whipped up an alphabet soup of toxins. For the town, that just might spell prosperity.), The Little War Wagon That Could (Jeeps – spartan, cramped, functional – did everything, went everywhere and helped the Allies win WWII.), Getting Creative with Amazing GRACE (Vermont’s Grass Roots Art and Community Effort discovers artists in folks who never knew they were.), Whither the Weather, ‘Almanac’-style (For 200 years The Old Farmer’s Almanac has framed its forecasts with down-home sense and nonsense.), Coming to Grips with the Grizzly (While others debate, a pair of amateur naturalists are the newest authorities on Yellowstone Bears.), From the Great Plains, a wealth of art (The new exhibit, “Visions of the People: A Pictorial History of Plains Indian Life” spans 800 years.), Starving Artists Need Not Apply – they’ll find you (The American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters feels young talents with generous funding.), The Sea Kayak, a “kind of strange fish” (On a journey to Greenland, the author learns why Inuit hunters still build and use the ancient craft.), Modern Myths for Modern Minds (Alligators in the sewer and exploding toilets are just some of the real concerns that go into “urban legends”.), TB: The Disease that Rose from its Grave (Once it was the greatest killer in the United States; then tuberculosis virtually vanished – but not for long.)

Issue:  November 1992

Condition:  Very Good