Smithsonian Magazine 1992 July


Smithsonian Magazine 1992 July

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Picture Credits, Phenomena, Comments and Notes, The Quiet Revolution in “Hand Talk” (American Sign Language, once called a form of Pidgin English, is now seen as a unique, complex language.), Rustle Ye Rosebuds While Ye May (Rose rustlers rescue and identify the fragrant, hardy blooms of yesteryear to introduce into modern gardens.), The Pleasing Places of Arata Isozaki (He feels architects should create what they like; at the Olympics, we’ll see what he “liked” at Barcelona.), How Do You Get To Pelycosaur Heaven? (Jerry MacDonald isn’t telling, because that’s where he’s found the world’s best Permian fossil trackways.), From Sam Houston, A Surprising Bonus (In a fierce, 18-minute battle at San Jacinto in 1836, he freed Texas from Mexico – and launched the Sunbelt.), O Possums! New Zealand’s Immigrants Run Amok (As the fur trade dwindles, brushtails are spreading disease, defoliating the countryside – and multiplying.), Who Was “The Lout Who Built This Route” (The 50th birthday of the 1,442-mile Alaska Highway is celebrated by many – but not all – who’ve known it.), The Truth About Trash (The Garbage Project, a 20-year study of the stuff we throw away, debunks some myths about landfill.), Book Reviews, Additional Reading, July Events at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Tours, Seminars and Expeditions, It Was a Wonderful Toy and a Glorious War

Issue:  July 1992

Condition:  Very Good