Smithsonian Magazine 1991 January


Smithsonian Magazine 1991 January

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes, Artificial Reality: Don’t Stay Home Without It (Using computer-linked gloves and goggles, you can hold a molecule, explore a planet or jiggle your dad.), Polly Pry, The Denver Dynamo (At the turn of the century, a witty, gutsy journalist skewered crooks, politicians and socialites alike.), ‘What Can the Load on this Little Van Mean’ (Thanks to Aaron Lansky’s cargo of books, Yiddish, that zesty tongue, gets a fresh start among Baltic Jews.), Accentuating the Visual in Japan (Kyoto’s Festival of the ages depicts not only history, but a nation’s cultural heritage of beauty as well.), In Florida, the Future has a Picket Fence (With the look and feel of yesteryear, the planned community of Seaside may just be the town of tomorrow.), ‘The Guest Belongs to Me’ (At grand hotels, the concierge’s solicitous acts are treasured by travelers whose problems boggle the mind.), Ken Klosterman, the Abracadabra Man (From vanishing lamps to Houdini’s handcuffs, when it comes to magic, he owns 20,000 tricks of the trade.), Raising a Ruckus – it’s a Dogs Life (A biologist and a linguist try to find why, among canid cousins, Canus Familiaris specializes in barking.)

Issue:  January 1991

Condition:  Very Good