Smithsonian Magazine 1990 November


Smithsonian Magazine 1990 November

1 in stock


Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and beyond, Phenomena, comment and notes, Hard Times on the American Frontier (In Nebraska’s Sand Hills, wind pumps the water, cows shop the wood – and people are few and far between.), How Evelyn Cameron Captured the Plains (Her quarry was Eastern Montana, 1894-1928; her weapon a camera; and her trophy, a stunning pictorial record.), Titian: Art’s Venetian Lion (A bravura exhibition comes to the National Gallery to mark the quincentenary of the master painter’s birth.), Micromachines – They’re Not to be Sneezed at (The future is big for tiny devices with microscopic parts that already measure blood pressure and save gas.), Telling Tales Out of School (On the coral reef, fishes sport eye-popping color combinations that get the word out to friend and foe.), Watch Your Language (For almost a century, the gentle lexicographer has steered scribblers through the shoals of English usage.), India’s Gamble on the Holy Narmada (Debate rages as massive dams to harness the river’s resources destroy forests, temples and homelands.), It’s High-Low Time at New York’s MOMA (“High” mocermsm meets the “low” arts of advertising caricature, comics and graffiti in a lively new show.), George Bernard Shaw, In Love and Out (At age 65, the dramatist fell for a young American vamp whom he would adore and revile, but never forget.), Penicillin and a Revolution in World Health (In the early 1940’s, bacterial illnesses were a leading cause of death; then the first wonder drug was tried.)

Issue:  November 1990

Condition:  Very Good