Smithsonian Magazine 1989 June


Smithsonian Magazine 1989 June

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Contents:  Smithsonian Horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and beyond, Phenomena, Comments and Notes, ‘You Could See it a-comin’ ‘ (In the 1930’s a tidal wave of earth flooded the Great Plains, turning Wheat Heaven into the Dust Bowl,), Biochemical Codes: the Language of Life? (Scientists are probing the molecular “informational substances” that may link mind, body – and health.), On-the-job Training at NBC (ditto CBS and ABC) (TV news came of age in the ’50s soon after newspaper and radio reporters learned how to read to a camera.), A President without Precedent (“I walk on untrodden ground”, George Washington wrote, aware that his every act might set protocol.), Their Turf is the Surf (Wherever waves break, a special breed of enthusiasts “shoot the tube” in a sport from ancient Polynesia.), A Pennsylvania Yankee in King George’s Court (Painter to royalty, Benjamin West mixed ambition with taleng; gems from his vast output are in a new show.), Otters: the Stand-Up, Slide-Down Comics (Once overtrapped, these aquatic clowns are being restored to the wetlands – perhaps to have the last laugh.), John H. Patterson and his System (The eccentric founder of the National Cash Register Company revolutionized the conduct of business.)

Issue:  June 1989

Condition:  Very Good