Smithsonian Magazine 1985 July


Smithsonian Magazine 1985 July

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Contents:  Smithsonian horizons, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Picture credits, Phenomena, comment and notes, Putting the Outing Back into Scouting (After trying too hard for “relevance,” the Boy Scouts are going back to what made them successful.), Trees are Living Archives (And their growth rings give clues to everything from historical dates to volcanic eruptions.), Kensett’s Vision of the American Land (Successful in his lifetime, then ignored, the painter’s work stirs up interest with a new show.), Aphids: The Business of Begetting (They reproduce in every way imaginable, leaving our sophisticated control techniques far behind.), Jitter, Shimmer and Blip (Denver’s Recording and Research Center is finding new terms for old vocal problems.), ‘Dr Truck’ on the Road (An anthropologist’s study of independent truckers finds a wide gap between their image and reality.), A House Where Nothing was Ever Thrown Away (Calke Abbey simply filled up; now it is being exhumed and catalogued for the National Trust.), An Ingenious Way to Look at Life’s Basic Molecules (Robert Langridge uses computer graphics to model DNA and proteins in three dimensions.), The ‘melancholy action’ at Mers-el-Kebir (When the British hit French warships near Oran in 1940, did it alter the course of World War II?)

Issue:  July 1985

Condition:  Very Good