Smithsonian Magazine 1983 July


Smithsonian Magazine 1983 July

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Contents:  Trying to Predict Another Earthquake (When one hits, the loss of life and property can be tremendous, but forecasting them is a shaky art.), The Several Lives and many Loves of d’Annunzio (His novels and plays have not earned him a niche in history, but his flamboyant exploits have.), Why Rural America clings to its Post Office (The local P.O. is often the “only anything there.” but it is becoming an endangered species.), Henri Fantin-Latour, a painters; painter (A contemporary of the great Impressionists, he chose another route for his quiet, distinguished work.), New Jersey’s Pine Barrens are Anything But (This wild area of forests, ponds and wetlands is – like many such places – threatened by developments.), Grandma’s Winter Circulation Showed the Way (“Sublimation” freeze=dried Grandpa’s shirts, and today it works on foods, blood, whole animals.), For George Adamson, Pride is a Matter of Lions (At 78, still at it, he is fighting poverty and poachers to keep up his work with his beloved cats.), George Ferris’ Wheel of Fortune (It turned against him in the end, but all sorts of Midway rides now trade on his name.)

Issue:  July 1983

Condition:  Very Good