Smithsonian Magazine 1982 November


Smithsonian Magazine 1982 November

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Contents:  The View from the Castle, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, comment and notes, Points of Origin, Picture Credits, The Uffize Proudly Begins its Fifth Century (Florence’s great gallery, filled with European masterpieces of art, is itself a masterpiece.), Otherworldly Creatures of the Cave (Many animals have adapted very well to the eternal dark and meager food supplies of life underground.), London’s City within the city (Only a mile square, it holds the world’s greatest concentration of financial services.), The Kaleidoscope’s knowhole View of Magic (The celluloid-and-cardboard toys of our youth are being joined by sophisticated works of art.), White-Tailed Deer – perplexing neighbors (Everybody wants them in the woods but nobody wants them in the garden. How do we keep the balance?), Plucking Money out of the Air (Wind machines that generate electricity provide new cash crop, although one beset with problems.), The Paintings and Photographs of ‘Precisionism’ (An exhibition brings together the artists, of both brush and camera, who created a new American art.), When Molecules Will do the Work (Someday molecular machines will create the greatest technological revolution in history.), Diversity is the Hallmark of American Churches (Religious edifices in this country have always run the gamut from simplicity to splendor.), Remembering the Miracle at Dunkirk (The improbable rescue of the BEF from northern France in 1940 turned a defeat into a triumph.)

Issue:  November 1982

Condition:  Very Good