Smithsonian Magazine 1982 August


Smithsonian Magazine 1982 August

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Contents:  The View From The Castle; Letters To The Editor; Around The Mall And Beyond; Phenomena, Comment And Notes; Picture Credits; Points Of Origin; The Snows – And Legends – Of Kilimanjaro (Africa’s giant mountain casts an alluring spell, but those who fall under it are pushed to their limits); It’s Not Just Kid Stuff At This Children’s Theater (Brilliant production and inspired instruction mark a unique theatrical venture in Minneapolis); We Haven’t Zapped The Boll Weevil Yet (The 90-year battle to eradicate one of our most destructive pests goes on – and on); No Tidal Deluge Is Going To Wipe Out London (A huge movable barrier, nearing completion, will protect the great city from a North Sea “surge”); An Architect Who Cares About Where People Work (The buildings of Kevin Roche, a master of the Modern idiom, are striking outside, comfortable inside); You’re Dreaming, But Do You Know It? (A person who has “lucid dreams” not only knows what he is doing, but can control the plot); Harley Warrick Still Pluts Chewing Tobacco (For 35 years he has painted the Mail Pouch message on America’s barns. Now they’re national landmarks); Partner’s In Crime: Ripoff Artists And Computers (Adults, sometimes even teen-agers, are breaking into systems that are vulnerable to penetration)

Issue:  August 1982

Condition:  Very Good