Smithsonian Magazine 1981 October


Smithsonian Magazine 1981 October

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Contents:  The View From the Castle, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and Beyond, Phenomena, Comment and Notes, Picture Credits, Points of Origin, Refuge for Beauty on an Old Battleground (Threatened cranes and other wildlife are finding santuary in Korea’s tense Demilitarized Zone.), Painters Who Put the World in Focus (They were called the New American Realists, but their roots go far back into our history.), Attacking Cancer With Subatomic Particles (At Los Alamos, physicians and physicists use pions to treat tumors while sparing healthy tissue,), Victory at Yorktown (Two hundred years ago, Americans and French won the battle that set Colonies toward nationhood.), Field Guide to Curious Future Fauna (A zoological fantasy by Dougal Dixon describes what creatures may be like 50 million years from now.), The Folks Who Brought Us the Lead Balloon (The consultants of Arthur D. Little, Inc will provide advice on everything from tacos to tourism.), The Ocean Isle of Ossabaw (Painters, writers and scientists mix with wildlife at this unspoiled haven off Georgia’s coast.), Larry Boyce Wants to Paint Your Ceiling (With brush and evangelistic zeal, a bicycling artisan aims to spruce up Victorian houses.), Peat, the Old World’s New Energy Idea (For centuries Ireland has harvested its bogs for fuel; now America is examining its own huge resources.), A Museum That Lets Kids Scamper at Will (Although their yells may be deafening, up in Boston the young visitors are learning at every turn.), The Court of the Windsors (Britain’s royal family has been notable for its strong sense of duty and its adaptability to change.), Across the Wide Atlantic – By Oar Power (In a unique, self-steering, solar-equipped boat, two young salts row the ocean in record time.), Book Reviews, Additional Reading, October Events at the Smithsonian, Smithsonian Tours, Packages Must Have It In For Me.

Issue:  October 1981

Condition:  Very Good