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Smithsonian Magazine 1980 May


Smithsonian Magazine 1980 May


Contents:  The view from the Castle, Letters to the Editor, Phenomena, comment and notes, Picture credits, Around the Mall and beyond, Sharp disagreement divides those seeking a solution to the danger of collision in the crowded skies., Loathsome outcasts or gilded prizes, carp stir emotions – and now they may help to clean up our canals., In a gleaming new showplace, Corning Museum of Glass will open an exhibit of its superb collection., A Dartmouth professor’s manic methods help to close the language gap prevalent among U.S. college students., Words of praise – and caution – about wild mushrooms., A sumptuous exhibition, “The American Renaissance, 1876-1917” invites a reappraisal of our Gilded Age., Our old patriots’ remains don’t get to rest in peace., Little by little, the Arabian oryx is returning home., A grandson tells saga of Admiral Peary’s four-year struggle to get the world’s largest meteorite out of Greenland., Edward Link, a creative engineer of air and ocean, wins Lindbergh Award for his long list of inventions.

Issue:  May 1980

Condition:  Very Good