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Smithsonian Magazine 1980 February


Smithsonian Magazine 1980 February


Contents:  The View From The Castle; Letters To The Editor; Phenomena, Comments And Notes; Around The Mall And Beyond; Picture Credits; Olympics illuminate long war over future of the Adirondacks – a bitter debate on how best to protect the East’s largest park; Surrounded by flowers, Monet’s home at Giverny outside Paris was a source of inspiration; now, after three years’ work, house and grounds are meticulously restored; In Mexico’s Monte Alban ruins, anthropologists plot trajectory of a great civilization that bloomed before Columbus and then inexplicably withered; Giant draft horses don’t run on OPEC oil or cost as much as tractors – so they’re making a comeback on the farm; Misia, a free spirit who knew (and loved) almost everybody, was a ruling power in the Paris art world; A new gold rush draws prospectors – amateur and pro – to California’s once-fabulous Mother Lode country; The narwhal, a little-known and elusive Artic whale, inspired the myth of the unicorn; Kansas cow-town life was in part a comedy of errors – lawmen robbed banks and heroes couldn’t shoot straight; Book Reviews; Additional Reading; February Events At The Smithsonian; Smithsonian Tours; Snuff? Snus? At least, an alternative to smoke

Issue:  February 1980

Condition:  Very Good