Smithsonian Magazine 1978 July


Smithsonian Magazine 1978 July

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Contents:  The View from the Castle, Letters to the Editor, Around the Mall and beyond, Phenomena, comment and notes, Picture Credits, Huge new radio telescope array extends Man’s celestial vision and may tell us how the universe was created., After a long and bitter battle, a clear victory protects redwoods and new jobs are promised for loggers., Smithsonian’s National Collection of Fine Arts, after its wanderings over 149-year span, celebrates tenth anniversary in a grand home of its own., Gorilla mothers, who mistreat their young in isolation but not in groups, may provide a lesson for humans., Botanical Garden’s “Crystal Palace” is reborn in Bronx through the generosity of one philanthropist., John Quinn collected art and bohemians and recognized great writers and painters when they were still hungry., A Smithsonian scientist and his team relive an ancient kill that could double length Man’s presence in America.

Issue:  July 1978

Condition:  Very Good