Skiers World 1981 Spring


Skiers World 1981 Spring

1 in stock


Contents:  The Big Money Men Behind the Big Resorts (A close-up look at some major-league moguls – the men who control North America’s ski areas.), Life on the Top (There’s a lot more to working on the ski patrol than cutting to the front of the lift lines.), Lonny Vanatta (It’s been a long haul, but Lonny has finally made it to the top of professional ski racing.), The Call of the Wild (It’s true that a dog is man’s best friend – especially in the middle of winter.), The Joys of Spring (An exciting photo essay that captures all the freewheeling fun of spring skiing.), The Greening of Skiing (If you thought skiing was only possible in snowy climes, you haven’t heard about grass skiing.), A Complete Guide to the Best Cross-Country Skiing in Canada (Where to go, how to get there and what you’ll find once you arrive.), Alicia Left Georgia for a Visit to Aspen and Forgot to Go Home (Our Spring Snow Star is a Southern Belle who fell in love with the Rocky Mountains.), The Ultimate Lift (It’s not for the timid or the inexperienced skier – but ski-climbing can provide an unparalleled thrill for those willing to try it.), Snow Castle (The chairman of the board of a large Lake Tahoe ski area has a home that is just Heavenly.), Totally Fit: Spring Fitness All Year (At last – a way to keep yourself in prime condition when there’s no snow on the ground.), High-Level Cuisine (Three more notable restaurants above 5000 feet.), Skiing the Biggest Mountain in the World (The island of Hawaii offers the best in surfing, swimming and – cross-country skiing.), A High-Country Hot System that Makes Roughing it Virtually Impossible (Now you can ski deep into the Colorado backcountry without the burden of winter camping gear.), Aspen Incident (The shocking conclusion to the mystery of the murder of Senator Blake Ross.)


Condition:  Very Good