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Ski Magazine 1978 October


Ski Magazine 1978 October


Contents:  Ski Better – Ski Against The Ski, Not On It! (The trick to getting your skis to perform is to bend them. It’s That simple); What To Do When The Light Goes Flat (Ease off, look for the trees, cancel the practice session and head for familiar ground); Know The Ropes (Jogging to shape up for skiing? Skip it…be a rope-a-doper and fight exhaust fumes no more); The Basics Of Balance (Having problems with your techniques? The trouble may be that you’ve never mastered the basic skiing skills. The first part in a series) Ski Pointers – De-burr those Edges (44); Be a Crowd Pleaser (86); Enjoy your Mistakes (92); Going Up (96) Buy Better – How To Shop For A Shop (A knowing consumer can avoid some ski-buying pitfalls – and save money and time in the bargain); The New Skis: What The Numbers Mean (Specifications on 48 of this season’s top new skis and how to use them); Suit Yourself (There’s little that beats a ski suit for that snappy, pulled-together look. It’s the best skiwear investment you’ll ever make); The New Boots: A Fitting Choice (What goes in a boot can determine your performance – and comfort – on skis. A look at the new fit systems); The New Bindings: Easy Does It (Getting in and out – it’s a snap with the new convenience features you’ll see in this seasons bindings. This month, a specification’s chart on the 20 top bindings showing how they work) Where To Go – The Gals Go For It (Woman’s Way Ski Seminars, a whole new ski-learning program, goes nationwide this season. Here’s how you can sign up now); Lodging Rates: It’s Not How Much, But When (You can land a bed in ski country, dodge liftlines, crowded slopes and save money while you’re at it. The trick is knowing when to go); Big Beautiful Baldy (In Sun Valley, conflicts rage between the preservation of soul and the business of putting the books in the black. But up on Bald Mountain, the ski experience gets outrageously better); We Five (One family’s first encounter with France’s spectacular Chamonix and a moniteur who changed their lives forever) Special FeaturesDepartments – Speak Out (Why won’t ski areas tell us who they are?); Doug Pfeiffer’s Ski Clinic (Adapting legs to boots, skitop spruceups, more); Ski Cross-Country (Waxless vs. waxable skis); Letters; Rx And The Skier (Pyramid power); The Thrifty Skier (Shop a swap); Reader Service; What’s New At Taos; We Tried It; What’s New In Austria; Ski Life; Letter From Sugarloaf; Ski People; What’s New At Steamboat; Calendar; Classified

Issue:  October 1978

Condition:  Very Good