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Ski Magazine 1978 January


Ski Magazine 1978 January


Contents:  Ski Better – Ski The Surf Technique (The secret to on-hill efficiency is the ability to ride a flat ski. And the secret to a flat ski is the way your work your lower body. Here’s how); How To Get More From A Ski Lesson (Ski school needn’t be a gamble – providing you know what, and what not, to expect); Ski Pointers (Use edges to turn, not to brake (12), Learn through feedback (20), Put the pressure on in turns (116), Crossover (124, 148E) Buy Better – The New Skis: V (The end of the groovy ski? Some designers think so – and given modern snow conditions they may be right. Reports and performance specs on 26 of this season’s skis); Best Vests (Here’s the hottest new style in skiwear – and it goes everywhere) Where To Go – Where To Ski In Your Region (Eight fact-filled pages on great skiing nearby, with trail guides and locator maps to get you there); “The Northwest Is Best” (That, at least, is what ski innovative Seattle-Portlanders will tell you. If you doubt it, just check your ski logo or parka label. Here’s why) Special Features – Private Areas: New Deal For Skiers? (Private ski areas, emerging from their decade in the shade, may be pointing their way to the future); The Barnstormers (So who needs fat contracts, groupies and racer-chasers? For the B-circuit pro, the field is tough, the living fast and the purses enough to keep the action going); NASTAR Makes It 10! (The world’s biggest ski race enters its second decade with some new twists. What’s in it for you); Portfolio (The fifth in a season-long series of great ski=photos by the world’s top ski photographers. This month: ski action and scenics); Super Swede (Ingemar Stenmark trains on a unicycle, devours chocolate and smoked fish, suffers from a stomachache twice a year…and wins more slalom races than any skier in history) Departments – Speak Out; The Way It Was; Letter From Utah; We Tried It; Ski People; Doug Pfeiffer’s Ski Clinic; Letters; Letter From Vermont; Ski Life; Letter From The Laurentians; New Ways To Learn; Letter From Tahoe; Reader Service; The Winter Driver; Classified

Issue:  January 1978

Condition:  Very Good