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Ski Magazine 1978 February


Ski Magazine 1978 February


Contents:  Speed: A Special Section – Speed as life, speed as thrills, speed and spills. A 10-page tribute to speed in skiing with profiles of downhiller Franz Klammer, the Flying Kilometer speed trail and a chart to tell you how fast you really ski Ski Better – Dr. Feelgood And His Bottom Fiddle (A speed-tuning guru tells how to care for skis given limited space, knowledge, gadgetry and time); Your Skis: Friend Or Foe (Variations in a skis design can dramatically alter the way you ski. The fourth part in a series on your equipment and how it affects your technique); “Swallow” Those Bumps (The secret to skiing moguls is in your ability to absorb terrain – and keep those skis turning); Ski Pointers (Get your feet out from under (18). Ski like an animal (28). Exhale to hold on ice (46). Edging: The three basic ingredients (99). Learn the reverse crossover (106)) Buy Better – Making It (Here’s a low-dollar option for a ski-wardrobe spruceup – do-it-yourself kits. They’re quick, easy, inexpensive and fun); The New Skis: VI (Try before you buy makes a lot of sense in any purchase. Here’s how to take advantage of demo deals in skis – and what to test for on the hill) Where To Go – Where To Ski In Your Region (Eight fact-filled pages on great skiing nearby, with trail guides and location maps to get you there); Mountain Town: Alta, Utah (Like migratory birds, powder skiers harbor an instinctive urge to fly to the powder refuge of the Wasatch) Special Features – The Bests And The Worsts Of 1977 (SKI magazine’s First Uphill/Downhill Awards commemorate the best and worst in skiing); Garmisch: The Games Return (The site of the first Winter Alpine Olympics as it readys for the 1978 World Alpine Championships…the delights of Garmisch-Partenkirchen today with a look back on 1936); Great Moments In Skiing (Sapporo 1972: Barbara Ann Cochran captures the first U.S. Olympic gold in 20 years. An exclusive painting by artist Sherry Wolf) Departments – Speak Out (Outside inner skiing); Letters; Doug Pfeiffer’s Ski Clinic; The Way It Was (Our First Alpine Team); Ski Life; Ski Week (Doing it deep in the Cariboos); Reader Service; Letter From Washington County (Sugarbush, Glen Ellen, Mad River, VT); We Tried It; Ski People (“Ma” Moriarty: Plume at the Top); Calendar; Classified

Issue:  February 1978

Condition:  Issue is rough