Singer Sewing Center Ad September 1947


Singer Sewing Center Ad from September 1947 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Singer Sewing Center Ad September 1947Full color 10″ x 14″ ad with a lady saying “And you’ll love how much it didn’t cost – thanks to the Singer Sewing Center. The ad says that “What a thrill it is to put on a new dress for the first time and have your husband say ‘Gee, honey, it looks like a million’. And what fun to be able to answer, “It only cost a song'”. The “sew-while-you-learn courses from Singer have a really professional flair. Plus you will find every sewing notion that you will ever need here. The photos in this ad show “Learn to sew”, A “fitting start to a new dress”, how to “smooth out your pressing problems”, how to make “a quilted white dickie”“Get set to sew with a trip to your Singer Sewing Center, you will find that Singer covered the buckles – put in the eyelets and Singer specializes in beauty as well as usefulness”.

Source:  September 1947 Woman’s Home Companion.