Singer Sewing Center Ad June 1948


Singer Sewing Center Ad from June 1948 Woman’s Home Companion.

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Singer Sewing Center Ad June 1948Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that shows two women standing outside the house of one of them and the one says to the other “In 8 lessons you learned to sew like that? Lead me to the Singer Sewing Center. The ad certainly says that “Yes, you can do it, too”. It claims that “In just 8 cost-next-to-nothing lessons, you can learn to make figure-flattering clothes that will leave your friends green-eyed!”. Even if you have never sewn before, Singer experts make it so easy you’ll think you were born with a needle in your hand”. They claim that you actually make the dress while you learn and, as for fancy finishing, Singer will do it for you.

Source:  June 1948 Woman’s Home Companion.