Singer Sewing Center Ad December 1947


Singer Sewing Center Ad from December 1947 McCall’s.

1 in stock


Singer Sewing Center Ad December 1947Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that offers “Gifts from your Singer Sewing Centers. On a page filled with gifts there are Gala Sewing Boxes with just-what-I-wanted charm”Singer Electric Irons that will win a hug for Santa”Singer Vacuum Cleaners – to lighten a lady’s work”Featherweight Singer Portable – an 11-pound wonder with a pick-up-and-carry case”, a De Luxe Desk Model Machine – aristocrat of all machines”, a Singer Room-Heater – for Cold-Weather or Hot-Weather comfort”Time saving Attachments for the lady who sews” and Handsome Sewing Cabinets with that ‘decorator’ look”.

Source:  December 1947 McCall’s.