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Shooting Times Magazine 1986 July


Shooting Times Magazine 1986 July


Contents:  Remington’s Indestructable Nylon 66 (Roughshod treatment doesn’t faze this synthetic-stocked .22 RF semiauto); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); The Dominator (Long-range handgunners will go for Pachmayr’s dynamic new conversion unit); Reviving The .45-70 For Hunters (It’s been up, and it’s been down, now it’s up again and coming on strong); T/C’s Sensational New Shooting System (The latest introductions improve the Contender pistol from one end to the other); Valmet’s New Hunting Rifle (Chambered in .243 and .308, this knock-around semiauto is made for hunters); Browning Brings Back A Classic: The New Model 1886 Lever Rifle (Better than ever, the first Browning repeating rifle kicks off its second century); A New Wave Of Products From Navy Arms (Be prepared to catch more than just muzzleloading replicas and accouterments); Mossberg: A Powerhouse In The Making (From its no-frills base up, Mossberg has become a force to be reckoned with) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Precision Reloading; Hipshots; Point Blank; Firing Point; For Your Information; Shopper (New product review); Gunsmith; Questions & Answers; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features); Guns & Gear

Issue:  July 1986

Condition:  Very Good