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Shooting Times Magazine 1986 April


Shooting Times Magazine 1986 April


Contents:  Pro & Con: Single Shots vs. Repeating Rifles (Which of these rifle types would you choose to tote afield); Loads For Colt’s Little .45 ACP (It’s a versatile pistol that can be used to take small game and predators); Excam’s New Baby TA90 9mm Auto Pistol (A compact version of the Model TA90, this Baby is build for serious shooting); Remington’s New Mountain Rifle…And A Lot More (The array of new products leaves no doubt that Remington’s on a roll in ’86); Ithaca’s New Mag-10 Camo-Sel Shotgun (Nearly invisible in the field, this gun is ideal for downing sharp-eyed birds); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); Handgun Hunting Wild Boar (Hunting these wily hogs with a handgun is not an endeavor for the timid); Have You Tried A Taurus Handgun Lately? (If you have, you already know these lookalikes are outstanding bargains); Winchester’s New Xpert Light Field Loads (Get the hunting performance you want without resorting to heavy shot loads); Sako Rifles Changing With The Times (And their distinctive new look should catch the attention of a lot of hunters); Dixie’s New Cub Muzzleloader (Expectations weren’t high, but this scaled-down frontloader performed like a champ) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Hipshots; Firearms Law; Precision Reloading; For Your Information; Conservation; Shopper (New product review); Gunsmith; Questions & Answers; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features); Guns & Gear

Issue:  April 1986

Condition:  Very Good