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Shooting Times Magazine 1985 December


Shooting Times Magazine 1985 December


Contents:  Colt’s New Peacekeeper (Built for outdoorsmen, this .357 Magnum DA workhorse will get the job done); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); Top Handguns & Loads Of Successful Hunting Guides (When the pros go afield, a reliable gun and an accurate load go with them); Ruger’s Redhawk Versus S&W’s 629 (And six years later, the big bore battle rages on. Is it a stainless stalemate?); Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); A Piece Of The 9mm Action…Marlin’s Model 9 Camp Carbine (Marlin makes its move with the perfect companion piece for 9mm auto pistols); Sportsman Model 78…Remington’s New Short-Action Bolt Rifle (It’s a plain-Jane, no-frills bolt action that is built for shooting, not for show); Federal’s Premium Performers (Nine top-of-the-line centerfire numbers for riflemen undergo a trial by firing); Lee Precision’s Newest Design: The Progressive 1000 (Ease of operation and efficiency are what this unique tool offers handloaders); Eley Ammo: Record-Setting Performers (Mossberg has made going for the gold a reality for ordinary sport shooters); The Gunmen Of El Paso (Today’s sixgun experts would be no match for this coldblooded wild bunch) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Precision Reloading; Firearms Law; Hipshots; For Your Information; Conservation; Shopper (New product reviews); Questions & Answers; Gunsmith; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features); Guns & Gear

Issue:  December 1985

Condition:  Very Good