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Shooting Times Magazine 1985 April


Shooting Times Magazine 1985 April


Contents:  Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); U.S.R.A.’s Model 70 Lightweight Carbine (It’s a short-action rifle that looks good, handles well, offers excellent accuracy); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); Guns And Cartridges Of 1873 (The .45-70, .45 Colt, and .44-40 cartridges/firearms are doing fine in ’85); Choice Guns And Loads For Spring Hunting (Carefully selecting firearms and fodder will make this a prime time to be afield); Fiberglass Rifles – Molded To Hunter’s Needs (They provide stability, durability and accuracy. What more could you ask for?); SIG-Sauer’s New .380 Auto (Introducing a stainless .380 that’ll draw the attention of auto aficionados); The Best .22 Sporter (Actually, there are two “best” .22 sporters – one’s real and one is Bill’s idea); What’s Wrong With The 7mm-08? (Judging from these impressive results, the 7mm-08 is as right as it can be); Squirrel Hunting Rifles (A .22? A muzzleloader? Either way, your choices have never been better) Blazer Ammo – CCI’s New Shining Star (Aluminum cases weigh less, cost less, and can perform on a par with brass); Rounding Up Remington’s Model Sevens (A wide range of calibers lets this carbine take game from gophers to moose) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Precision Reloading; Hipshots; For Your Information; Firearms Law; Conservation; Shopper (New product review); Gunsmith; Questions & Answers; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features)

Issue:  April 1985

Condition:  Very Good