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Shooting Times Magazine 1984 September


Shooting Times Magazine 1984 September


Contents:  My Favorite Rifle (From tin cans to African game, Bill Jordan’s Winchester M70 has done it all); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); Ruger’s .44 Magnum Redhawk: The Big-Game Getter (The only thing better than taking a one-shot buck is taking it with a handgun); Heavy Bullets & Loads For Big Game (When your quarry is dangerous game, tailor your bullets to the task at hand); Choice Loads For Handgun Hunters (After 20 years of handgun hunting, Dick Metcalf reveals his .22 favorite loads); Shotgunning For Dove & Quail (Seasoned shotgunners know fine-tuned loads are the key to successful hunting); Marlin’s Lever Action (Workmanship, design and dependability keep Marlin rifles constantly in demand); The .30-06…Better Than The .308? (Consider performance, versatility, and portability: then take your pick); Try .22 Pistols On Small Game (Your best hunting handgun could be the one you left at home – a .22 auto pistol); Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); Rifle/Handgun Hunting Directory (With nine categories and more than 200 listings, ST‘s directory fills you in); Rifle Calibers Tailored For T/C’s Contender (This is how a quartet of calibers fared in Thompson/Center’s single shot) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST‘s readers speak out); Hipshots; Firing Point; Precision Reloading; For Your Information; Shopper (New product reviews); Questions & Answers; Gunsmith; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features)

Issue:  September 1984

Condition:  Very Good