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Shooting Times Magazine 1984 May


Shooting Times Magazine 1984 May


Contents:  Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); From Elaborate To Economy-Minded. Remington’s New Firearms Cover The Range (Remington sheds its middle-of-the-road rep with new versions of familiar firearms); Add Muscle To T/C’s Magnums (Reloading is your means of improving velocity, energy levels and accuracy); Lightweight vs. Heavyweight Varmint Rifles (Rick Jamison used to think heavy-barreled rifles had the edge – not anymore); Reloading The .41 Magnum: Hammering Home Its Potential (Here’s how to get the utmost accuracy and performance by loading your own); Bill Ruger’s New .22 Bolt Rifle (This anxiously awaited all-around rimfire is here, and it’s all that you hoped for); Mossberg’s New Model 5500 Autoloading Shotgun (ST takes a first look at Mossberg’s first entry into the selfloading shotgun field); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); The 7mms (Are these cartridges really capable of overtaking the time-tested .30 calibers?); The New 2700 Series Sako Centerfires (Sako’s new 2700 has found its niche between deluxe and standard grade rifles); Hatfield’s New Squirrel Rifle (This authentic-looking .36 caliber rifle looks like it was built 150 years ago); Lee Precision’s Latest: The Auto Index And Auto Disk Powder Measure (New features for the Lee Turret Press will make you sit up and take notice) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Precision Reloading; Hipshots; Firearms Law; For Your Information; Shopper (New product reviews); Questions & Answers; Gunsmith; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features)

Issue:  May 1984

Condition:  Very Good