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Shooting Times Magazine 1984 July


Shooting Times Magazine 1984 July


Contents:  Bill Jordan…Point Blank (Our Shooting Editor tackles topics ranging from handguns and rifles to hunting); Kleinguenther’s New K-22 (This scaled-down model of the K-15 centerfire is a rimfire for serious shooters); Handgun Scope Mounting Made Simple (B-Square’s no-drill, no-tap design makes scope mounting as simple as ABC); Get Down To The Business Of Bulletcasting (We chart the economy and first-class routes for beginning bulletcasters); Ask Skeeter…For Straight Talk On Handguns (Here’s where our Handgun Editor takes on this month’s toughest questions); Start Shooting Steel (This is what it takes to join in on one of the fastest growing shooting sports); Ruger’s No. 1 (ST takes a look at what’s available in the No. 1, which loads work best, and why); Bishop Takes Stock In A “TEN” (Finally, a custom-built Mauser-actioned rifle is here at a price you can afford); How To Invest In Guns (Learn which guns are valuable, invest wisely, and you can make a tidy profit); Ithaca’s New Model 37 English UltraLite (This lightweight side-action “can match any other shotgun” in handling, accuracy); Marlin’s New Little Buckaroo .22 (Marlin’s little rimfire is just the right size, weight and shape for your youngster) Departments – Editor’s Gallery; Letters (ST readers speak out); Hipshots; Precision Reloading; For Your Information; Firearms Law; Shopper (New product reviews); Gunsmith; Questions & Answers; Next Month (ST‘s upcoming features

Issue:  July 1984

Condition:  Very Good