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Shooting Times Magazine 1975 May


Shooting Times Magazine 1975 May


Contents:  Letters; Bullshots; Hipshots; Precision Reloading; Conservation; For Your Information; ST Shopper; Answers From Experts; Gunsmith; How Good Is The .243 Winchester? (Good enough to take both varmints and medium-sized big game); Skeeter’s Handgun Clinic (You’ll find the answer to some of your toughest questions here); The New Short-Action Colt Sauer (This fine rifle is available in .22-250, .243 and .308); Wildcatting The .284 Winchester (You can build one on any centerfire from .22 through .35); The Lure Of The Luger (Choose the Mausers for investments, the Stoogers for shooting); Me And Joe Incorporated (These young empire builders should have stuck to gun tradin’); The Jane 1858 Enfield Musket (This most sought-after muzzleloader is back in production); Try Moderate Rifle Loads (These easy-on-the-shoulder rounds will improve your score); Natural Shooting Talent – Do You Have It? (Some are born with it, others just have to try harder); Why You Should Use Reloading Manuals (They’ll open the door to the fascinating world of ammo)

Issue:  May 1975

Condition:  Very Good