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Shooting Times Magazine 1966 March


Shooting Times Magazine 1966 March


Contents:  Technical – The Squirreliest Rifle Hunting – Gobbler Gun; Wild Men In The Wild Woods; Dinosaur Stopper Reloading – Half-Jacket Kinks And Wrinkles Collecting – Premier’s Parabellum; Return Of The Rimfire Shotguns – Winchester Trap, Skeet Guns Black Powder – The Swiss Federal Bonus – Senator Dodd Has Gone Too Far!; Man Who Loved Machines; Build A Gun Travel Case; The Freda Rifle; Remington’s Newest; Winchester’s Seminar South Monthly Features – Technically Speaking; Times Flyers; Firing Line; Showcase; Book Reviews; Gunsmithing; Catalogs And Booklets

Issue:  March 1966

Condition:  Very Good