Sealed Power Piston Rings Ad 1937


Sealed Power Piston Rings Ad from June 21, 1937 Life magazine.

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Black and white 10″ x 13″ ad for Sealed Power Piston Rings. At the top there is a drawing of some-kind of engine on two wheels is chasing after a ladies pocketbook. The engine is saying “Come here Pocketbook. I need more oil!” and the pocketbook responds “You Brute! You really need Sealed Power Piston Rings. The ad headline tells you that “If your car whimpers for oil ‘between meals’, install Sealed Power Piston Rings“They’ve restored “drain-to-drain” oil mileage to thousands of cars! Thousands of car owners report drain-to-drain oil mileage since installing Sealed Power Piston Rings in their cars. And many of these cars formerly used 10 to 13 quarts “between meals”! Think of the savings. Ace mechanics will tell you why these new-type Sealed Power Rings give such stellar performance. An inner spring of Swedish Steel expands the outer ring so that it conforms to the distorted shape of the cylinder wall. Thus gas is kept in the combustion chamber. Oil is kept out. Power is completely sealed. New car pep, speed plus oil economy are restored”. Get this ad to see what else they have said and see about the other comic strip.

Source:  June 21, 1937 Life magazine.