Seagram’s Whiskey Ad May 1958


Seagram’s Whiskey Ad from May 1958 Holiday.

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Seagram’s Whiskey Ad May 1958Full color 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for their Seagram’s V.O. Canadian Whisky. This ad has a very pleasing painting that shows a European-looking scene with a covered bridge over a small lake tying into buildings on both sides. In the front of the picture are two different sized glasses filled with liquid next to a platter with the letters “VO” on top of it. The headline says that it is “Known by the company it keeps” and it is right next to a bottle of Seagram’s V.O. Canadian Whisky“A great whisky, like a great painting, is a vital, brilliant composition…an art whose elements so gracefully combine that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. To connoisseurs, V.O. is this art, in its finest, flawless form”. They call it the World’s Finest Canadian Whisky.

Source:  May 1958 Holiday.