Seagram’s Whiskey Ad 1939


Seagram’s Whiskey Ad from December 18, 1939 Life magazine.

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Seagram's Whiskey Ad 1939Full color 9 3/4″ x 14″ ad that is for Seagram’s Whiskey. Pictured in this ad is an old painting, probably from the period of 1750 or so. It shows a table of two men who have been approached by another man, I believe a waiter, who is bringing to them a large bowl of a pink liquid. I have no idea what it is. This ad is a copy of a painting of an old painting. “‘Come Landlord fill the Flowing Bowl’ The above painting was inspired by an old English verse, composed by John Fletcher, a contemporary of Shakespeare. This hearty old melody is still sung today as a popular expression of good fellowship and good cheer. Giving or serving Seagram’s at this season of the year is not only a gracious compliment – but an unquestioned reflection of your own good taste. For 82 years, ever since 1857, the name “Seagram” has been a hallmark of quality, a symbol that stands for ‘the finest'”. At the bottom of the ad is a sign that says that “‘The Finest’ Stores and Bars are Featuring the above Seagram Display during the Holidays * Look for it”.

Source:  December 18, 1939 Life magazine.