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Scoot! Magazine 1999 Spring


Scoot! Magazine 1999 Spring


Contents:  Project Dragster, P-Town Style, Motorscooter Lows in the USA, American Scooter Racing Association, Get a Harley Rally Reviews – Fist City Rally, Fifteenth Anniversary / Skutoberfest 2, Worshipping the Beast, Seventh Annual Festering OktoberScoot, Chicago Columbus Day Parade, The Big Sur Run, Samhain, Second Annual Day of the Dead Run, Eleventh Annual Tucson / Nogales Run, Pasadena Doo Dah Parade, Sacramento Toy Run, Fourth Annual Yule Scoot, Second Annual San Francisco Toy Run, Checkered Demons New York Toy Run, Rage 13: Lucky For Some Club Profiles – Jedi Knights Scooter Club, Second To Last Scooter Club Reader’s Rides – Jason Kidd and the 1985 Vespa T5, Sandy McIntosh and the 1966 Lambretta SX200 Music News – The Slackers, Teenage Frames, Blink 182, CD Reviews Tech Time – 10-inch to 8-inch Wheel Conversion, 8-inch to 10-inch Wheel Conversion, Pack Me Up / Tie Me Down: Hauling Your Scooter Departments – Letters to / from the Editor, Use a Bigger Hammer, Book and Video Reviews, Upcoming Events, Classified, Comics

Issue:  Spring 1999

Condition:  Very Good