Scoot! Magazine 1998 Summer


Scoot! Magazine 1998 Summer

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Contents:  Scooter Racing: A New Perspective, New Scooters in the USA, Vespa Returns to the USA, Scoot! Wedding Album, The New Face of the VCOA, Scoot! Style from Denver CO, Virtual Scootering: Scooters on the Internet Rally Reviews – Hardpack Hellride, Yule Scoot ’97, Dampened Spirits Ride, Tampa Scooter Meet, Portland Spring Scoot 4, April Fool’s Rally Reader’s Rides – Dustin and the Scotchbrite Bike, Stony and the Lamby Nitrous Racer, Andrew and the Infamous P2 Crappy, Nate and All or Nothing Music News – UVtransmission, The Decibels, The Pietasters, The Smugglers, CD Reviews: Live Ska and Garage Punk Tech Time – Tightening Your Vespa or Lambretta Headset, Clamshell Speedometer Faceplace Replacement, Installing a Performance Kit on a Velocifera, Vespa Clutch Rebuild, California Scooter Insurance Departments – Letter from the Editor, Letters to the Editor, Use a Bigger Hammer, Upcoming Events, Classifieds, Comics

Issue:  Summer 1998

Condition:  Very Good