Science & Mechanics Magazine 1980 Fall


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1980 Fall

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Contents:  Return Of The Tall Ships; Power Wheels: Successor To THe Piston Engine?; Typewriter Keyboard For All Fingers; We Ride The XM1 Tank; Laser-Sighted Super Gun Automotive – Comeback Of 60-Cents-A-Gallon Fuel; Nostalgia: What’s Wrong With Wooden Axles?; Custom Van Conversion: $2,000 Job For $250 Science And Technology – Mystery Of A Vanished Specie; Night Vision Aid; Brazilian Sting: Reform For The Killer Bees; Hot Prospects For Geothermal Energy Great Furniture To Build – Versatile Gossip Bench Buyer Guidance – Choosing An Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner; Computing The Cost Of Your Car; Auditioning Stereo Components Aviation – Airport At Sea; Shape Of Wings To Come Home Care And Maintenance – Add A Dormer In A Weekend; Painting Problems – And How To Solve Them; Make Your Own Storm Windows And Save; Re-Side Your Home Yourself Electronics – Computing By Radio; Darkroom Print Perfector To Build Regular Departments = Your Car And Mine; Your Home And Mine; Your Workshop And Mine; Your Money And Mine

Issue:  Fall 1980

Condition:  Very Good