Science & Mechanics Magazine 1960 February


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1960 February

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Contents:  How Science Brings Them Back From Outer Space; Something New – Outboard Diesels; 2,000 Ton Lake “Walker” To Build 6-Mile Bridge; “Test Tube” Highway; Complete Comparison Team – Corvair versus Falcon; Outboard Mower Has Split Personality; Parade Of New Patents; Up-And-Down Windshield Wiper; New Machine “Reads” Handwriting; Extended Shell Spark Plug Ends Wire Burning; Performance Testing The Remarkable Fiat; New Tire Has Replaceable Treads; Will Gas Turbines Replace Piston Engines?; Largest Paver Pours And Pours And Pours; Tractor Runs On Fuel Cell Power; Face Building – Crime Fighting’s New Tool; First Jetliner Weather-Lab Tested; The Mabot – Tomorrow’s Sea Serpent; New Astronomy Encyclopedia Everyday Science – Measuring Radiation In Milk; Test Your Science Knowledge; Hand-Operated Phonograph Is A Teacher; Cooling Water To A Boil Departments – Readers’ Round Table (Views, Ideas, Questions and Answers); Science Briefs (Preview of Tomorrow); What’s New (New Products for your Consideration); Do It Yourself Guides (Helpful literature you can obtain); How To Do It – Making a Tandem Bicycle; Parking Lot Go Cart, Part 2 Car Clinic – Solving Cold Weather Starting Problems Special Shop Section – Versatile Floor Stands Provide “Extra Hands” For Woodworkers; Unique Cross-Feed Table Multiplies Shopsmith Uses; How To Bore The Big Ones; Portable Drill Stand; Powered Edge Planer From An Old Vacuum Motor; Three-Point Knurling Tool; Hand-Powered Bending Brake; Fixture Eases Compound-Angle Cutting; Screwdriver Power Attachment; Edge finder For Accurate Machining; Shop Kinks; Lathe Chuck Index; Lathe Collet Adapter; Centering Drill Bit For Round Stock; Avoiding Loose Dowel Joints; “Old Pro’ Designed Sanding Tables For Drill Press Or Lathe; New Tools For Home Workshops Patents – Straight Answers To Your Patent Questions Boats – Home-Built Hydrofoils, Part 1; Cold Lightning, Part 2 Radio – TV – Electronics – Precision Stroboscope For Only $21; Hop Up That Small Radio Home And Garden – Miniature Greenhouse For Growing Orchids; Copper-Backed Kitchen Rack; Bookcase Shelf Insert; Re-Setting Leaky Faucet; Toothbrush Handle Strings Along; Ideas For Your Home

Issue:  February 1960

Condition:  Very Good