Science & Mechanics Magazine 1956 October


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1956 October

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Contents:  Will The Ghia Outperform The Volkswagen?; First VTOL Jet Aircraft; See What’s Happening To Contact Lenses; Baby Carriage With Cockpits; Friction Pad Footwear; King-Size Nursing Bottle; Mirror-Magnet Aids Rifle Cleaning; Want Land – For $40 An Acre?; Patent Parade; Parking Solver?; Electric Eye Camera Sets Own Lens’ Reclining Seats For Your Car; Bolt-On Sports Car Bodies; The Breeze Is In The Handbag; Magic Pumps For Pingless Gasoline; Slingshot Rescues Swimmer; Wire-Winding Car Wheel; Self-Sealing Rivets; Sailplane For Home Craftsman; Giant Arm Lifts Worker; How To Run An Odd Job Employment Service; Hot And Cold Water Pumper; Water-Tight Shoes Breathe; Bedsheet Holds The Blankets; Anesthetic Space Helmet; Versatile Warning Device; Britain Plans 100-Mile Rocket; Push-Button Sofa-Bed Departments – Readers’ Round Table (Views, Ideas, Questions and Answers); Your Workshop Or Mine; On The Fire (Preview of Tomorrow); What’s New (New products for your consideration); Do-It-Yourself Guide; Here’s To Your Health (Reports from the Field of Medicine); Special Section – Practical Home Improvements (Master plan for basement living quarters; How to add an extra bathroom; Decorating with mirrors; Wall Hutch; Tarnish-proof silverware storage; Home Improvement kinks; Dollar wise tree landscaping; Door knob caddy; Ideas for your home; Space finding wall built-ins; Redesigning Discarded chairs); How To Do It (AC Arc Welder; Shop Kinks; Miniature portable photoflood gun; Making multi-sided columns and hoppers); Model Craft (Midget centrifugal pump); Radio-TV-Electronics (Sun-Powered Loudspeaker room; Wrist radio; Transistorized Loop Crystal Receiver); Car Clinic (Taking the Tap out of Tappets; Making your Leather Last; Remote Control Engine Idler); Patents And Inventions (How to use your patent office); Electricity (Magnetic Pendulum; Two Styles in TV Lamps); Boats (Sea Mate, 15-ft Inboard Fishing Skiff)

Issue:  October 1956

Condition:  Very Good