Science & Mechanics Magazine 1956 June


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1956 June

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Contents:  How Good Is The Cord V-8; Forecasting Your Children’s Height; How Radio Uses Voice Power; Truck Trailer Measures Fall-Out; Lock Release For Laggards; Self-Adjusting Valve Tappet; Air Curtain Replaces Door; Squeeze-Bulb Speedometer Oiling; Zero Hour For Grasshoppers; Coated Glass Panel Warms Room; Reptile Or Mammal?; Test Report On The Oldsmobile Super 88; Keeping Dust Down On The Farm; Plastic Pipe Pares Costs; Plane That Does Push-Ups; Steel Dome Stadium; Army Rockets It’s Phone Lines; There’s Money In Mowers; Slow-Down For Speeding Trucks; Cure For Chevvy Dirt Intrusion; House Built On Air; High Lift For Autos; How The 1956 Dodge Performs; Do We Already Have Satellites? Departments – Readers’ Round Table; Your Workshop And Mine; On The Fire; What’s New; Do-It-Yourself Pamphlets; Here’s To Your Health; How To Do It (A-Piece Roll-Away Lawn Furniture; Built-Ins For Trailers; Barbecue Seasoning Set; Wallboard Doors; Jet-Buzzer; Hats From Mats; Handy Portable Light Reflector; Nautical Serving Tray; Tricycle House Trailer; Shop Kinks; Don’t Let Nail Sets Get Lazy; Archery Target For Junior; Foot Massager; Portable Yard Light; Outdoor Playhouse; Table Top Suzy; Machine Dovetailing Boats Cat’s Paw Bailing Catamaran; Outboard Motor Caddie Car Clinic – How To Prevent And Care Vapor Lock Radio-TV-Electronics – Sun-Powered Radio; Building A Working Solar Battery And Motor, Part 1; TV Speaker Control Patents And Inventions – Finding Success With “Hopeless” Inventions Model Craft – Ticket Wagon For Your Model Circus Electricity – How To Electrify A Farm Fence; Telephone Receiving Plate For Radios; Rubber Mounting For Electric Motor; Curing Balky Mixers Your Home And Garden – Two-Story Home For Low-Cost And Privacy; Make Your Stairs Of Lasting Concrete; Ideas For Your Home; Small Garden Plans; How To Root Cuttings; What’s Your Garden Question?; Mulch A Weed-Free Garden

Issue:  June 1956

Condition:  Very Good