Science & Mechanics Magazine 1943 Fall


Science & Mechanics Magazine 1943 Fall

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Contents:  You Will Fly A Helicopter; S.S. “Normandie” Floats Again; Meet Your “Seabees,” America; Parachuting Pigeons; Paper Shipping Bands For Bombs; Square Meals By The Cubic Inch; Pennsylvania’s Rivers Give Up Lost Coal; Soft Metal Powders; Let’s Go Shark Fishing; How Rolling Stock Keeps Rolling Departments – Readers’ Round Table – Their Views, Ideas, Questions and Answers; What’s New In Materials, Processes And Products – The Newest Thing In Science And Industry; Books To Help You Forge Ahead – Reviews To Guide You In Selecting New Books; Did You Know That – Interesting Facts About Science Today; How To Make It – Motor-Bike (Part 1); Milling And Routing Table; New Tricks In Leather Tooling; Animated Grasshopper; For Whatnot Shelf Or Other Projects; Even A Sturdy Table Can Go Modern; Blueprint Reading – Lessons For The Beginner; Operating An Engine Lathe (Part 3); One-Evening Projects; Shop Kinks Home Planning And Modernization – You Can Modernize Now With Glass; If Chimney Draft Is Insufficient; Hints For The Handy Man Patents And Inventions – Immediate Market For Inventions Brain Twisters – Fun With Figures, Problems, Puzzles And Riddles Electronics – Electronics At Work Today In Communications Photography – Amateur Needs A Camera Stand; Photographic Mural Beautifies A Room; Blotter-Roll Print Dryer; Dark Room Rack For Core Holders; Novel Watch Photo Electricity – Servicing And Rebuilding Motors (Part 2) New Products And Scientific Facts – Soda Pop Vapor Quenches Plane Fire; When Will A Steel Ball Not Bounce?; Heat From Motors Helps Warm Up Buildings; Sorting Rivets To Be Put To Work Again; Glass Jewels Speed Instrument Manufacturer; Motor Trucks Will Have Streamlined Glamour; Electric Gun Explodes Rivets In Hard Places; It’s Time To Turn On The De-Icers; Mock-Ups Help Train Aviation Students; Poison Cups Trap Ant Hordes In California

Issue:  Fall 1943

Condition:  Very Good