Revere Camera Ad 1952


Revere Camera Ad from December 1, 1952 Life magazine.

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Revere Camera Ad 1952Full color 10″ x 14″ ad for their 3 Dimension Camera and Viewer.. The headline claims it is “So lifelike you feel you’re there” and if the expression on the face of the lady who has just taken a look into the Viewer is any indication, it might be true. There are several pictures that show examples of the kind of unique settings you can consider taking pictures in, a picture of a man pointing to the two lenses this camera has and another showing that “Even beginners get fine results from their first roll”. At the bottom of the ad is a picture of this camera with a description of its features and stating the price is $174.50 and the Viewer which cost $18.50.

Source:  December 1, 1952 Life magazine.