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Reo Ad 1916


Reo Ad from September 25, 1916 Automobile Journal.


Reo Ad 19161916 Reo’s – Black and white 8 1/4″ x 10 1/2″ ad for the Auto Company that has More Customers than Cars. The ad shows the eight different cars and trucks that were offered this year. They have drawings of the New Four-Cylinder 3-passenger Reo Roadster for $875, the New Reo the Fifth, “The Incomparable Four for $875, the New Four-Cylinder Reo Enclosed Car for $1025, the New 4-passenger Reo Six Roadster for $1150, the New 7-passenger Reo Six Touring Car for $1150, the New Reo Six 7-passenger Sedan for $1750, the 1500-pound Reo “Speed Wagon” for $1000 and the 2-ton Reo Truck (Chassis only, with Driver’s seat and cab) for $1650. The ad calls them “Oversold – Always Oversold” and laments how tough it is to “have customers waiting – begging – pleding – for more cars than you can supply”.

Source:  September 25, 1916 Automobile Journal.