Rath Ad 1964 April


Rath Ad from April 17, 1964 Life magazine.

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Rath Ad 1964 AprilFull color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for Rath Black Hawk Bacon. An interesting ad showing eight pieces of freshly baked bacon laid nicely around the message they are trying to get you to read. It says that this is the “Nicest thing that can happen to your day. You can’t, simply can’t, be uncheerful when Rath Bacon starts sizzling in the pan. It’s pure Iowa sunshine in golden strips. Every crunchy bite makes you glad there’s bacon in the world. Bacon like this. Cured and smoked and trimmed ’til it’s all flavor. Every last nibble of it”.

Source:  April 17, 1964 Life magazine.