Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine 2010 January


Railroad Model Craftsman Magazine 2010 January

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Contents:  Special Features – Perspective: Encountering A Classic (By the time the author came across this Chicago & North Western standard elevated crossing shanty, the design had already become a modeling classic); An OPSIG Weekend (Join us for a look at the recent NMRA Lehigh/Susquehanna Operations Special Interest Group weekend meet) Modeling – Interchanging With The SP (Incorporating the Southern Pacific’s Merced, California interchange with the Yosemite Valley Railroad on the author’s HO scale layout became an exercise in selective compression); Aluminum Backdrops (Available in rolls up to 100 feet long, sheet aluminum is easy to install and can be used to make a great seamless backdrop); RMC/Dremel Kit bashing Award: Kit bashing A NYC USRA Design Door-And-A-Half Boxcar (With some splicing and casting, an old Westerfield kit gets transformed into an interesting New York Central boxcar); Weathering Canadian Grain Hoppers (These smooth-sided covered hoppers weather in distinctive ways); Scratch building A B&O Yard Office (The B&O’s two-story brick yard office was nestled between the tracks in St. George Yard in Staten Island); The Scenery Clinic: Part III: More On Ground Cover (This month we continue our look at creating realistic looking ground cover as work continues on the GN Stevens Pass diorama); Scratch builder’s Corner: A Tale Of Three Sand houses (Building an HO model for a friend led to the author replacing his O scale model upon which the HO model was based) Prototype – Front Of The Layout Vignettes: No. 9, Grocery And Cold Storage Warehouses (Served by rail and scattered across the country, these warehouses played an important role in getting food products to market) Departments – Safety Valve (Letters from our readers); Dispatchers Report (Product and industry news); Rail books (Book news and reviews); RMC Timetable (Scheduled events and notices); Test Track (Product reviews); Collector Consist (General Model Trains, Inc. – Keith Wills); Editors Notebook (Commentary – William C. Schaumburg); Classified Advertising (Commercial listings); Exchange Place (Non-commercial listings); Dealer Directory (Recommended hobby dealers); Advertising Index

Issue:  January 2010

Condition:  Very Good