Quaker State Oil Ad July 1934


Quaker State Oil Ad from July 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.

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Quaker State Oil Ad July 1934Black and white 4 3/4″ x 11 1/2″ ad for the oil that goes farther. The ad has a drawing of a laughing Dr. Wood under the headline “Was I Dumb!”. Dr Wood has written a letter to Quaker from which excerpts appear in this ad. In the letter he talks about how he has always used Quaker Oil until “someone induced me to try another brand”. He had been happy using Quaker because he was always able to drive “1000 to 1100 miles without adding oil”. At the other person’s suggestion he had his Chrysler drained and filled with the other brand, “drove 900 miles, and during this time added 3 quarts”. He was told that he needed a heavier grade “So I refilled as directed and had to add another 3 quarts”. Dr Wood returned to using Quaker and was able to drive 1000 miles “without adding a drop”. The ad explains this ability to go farther without needing to replace oil as being due to to Quaker State’s “extra quart of lubrication in every gallon”.

Source:  July 1934 Better Homes & Gardens.